I am always surprised at how fast half term comes around!
I'm not sure if things slow down for me that week or not as my weeks are pretty hectic anyway ( I have no idea how I found time to go to work!)
When I see that I have a 'day off' in my calendar, I get quite excited about that and always arrange for something nice that day - even if it's just a soak in a lovely hot bubble bath midday (this girl knows how to live, eh? ;))
This week has been a busy week too but in a very good way! :)
DS and I have been able to spend lots more time together and with him being able to tolerate a little more noise than he used to, then we've been testing his boundaries by taking him to family restaurants which he has dealt with quite well (relatively quiet ones).
Our highlight this week has been taking him to a gym! :)
There is a disability centre sort of near me which is a great resource and one that DS and I access quite a lot.
Within the centre is a huuggeeeeee gymnasium :)
The staff provide classes from all ranges but unfortunately for us, they are quite structured which DS wouldn't be able to understand or tolerate.
A while back I went along to watch a class and within 2 minutes of watching, I knew that he would struggle in it so I asked if I could hire the gym exclusively for us.
I was met with every kind of 'No/Can't be done/' there was but because I wasn't satisfied with the reasons, some of them even made no sense! I pushed and pushed, I questioned every reason they gave me and even gave them reasons why as a disability centre, they should!
I was willing to pay the staff that had to accompany us as well as the cost of the hire of the gym until they said "yes"! :) :)
So we made a date and a few weeks later we went along (which was this week)
DS broke into a big grin when he realised he was going into the gym which I can't describe how beautiful that is to see and how warm and fuzzy I go inside <3 <3 <3
As I predicted, DS went straight for the trampoline and bounced for ages wearing a big smile.
The staff were great with him! (I've emailed glowing feedback as well as my thanks!)
Even when he climbed onto the big trampoline that he wasn't supposed to go on, the staff surrounded him for safety and allowed him to bounce away which I was both pleased and impressed with!
We spent a full hour in there which went waaaaay too quickly! :(
It's days and moments like these that I know I will remember and cherish forever and when I see his beautiful little face lit up and beaming, then I know that all the fighting, the pushing and the exhaustion has all been worth it! :)
Hope your half term has gone well too.