Thursday, 31 December 2015

Come on in, 2016...

Well it's New Year's Eve and in true NYE style, I am pondering at what my new year resolution will be.

I think it's fair to say that as a Mum of special needs, my aims and goals can be somewhat different to other Mums.

Looking back at last year's resolutions, for probably the first time ever, I can say that I achieved them! (a massive first!)

They were:
1) To reduce my carbon footprint: As often as I can, catch the bus into town rather than hop into my car.
I did this regularly throughout the year and what made it easier was that there was a lot of building work going on in town so car parks were being dug up and closed left right and centre. It got to the point where it became a major headache to park anywhere so popping my little self on the bus was stress free and much, much easier! :) *

2) To recover from my op and regain previous fitness levels: I thought my op would be at the beginning of the year, around February but I didn't actually have it until the September.
Through all the medication I was taking, I seem to have lost control of my body somewhere and exercising like I used to was just not possible.
I've recovered well but am still working on those fitness levels but am slowly getting there :)

So this year, my resolutions are a little different.
I am constantly busy and have my fingers in many pies (my other half thinks too many in fact!) but it's my personality to be busy and productive. Everything I am involved in is important to me and I would struggle to take a back step from any of them but I have been good and vowed not to take on or be involved in anything else for the time being :)

As well as this, caring for DS and arranging dental, hair, GP appointments and attending parents evening, IEP, and annual review can be all a bit busy, busy, busy.

Some weeks I feel like I am constantly dashing from one place to the next with it all.
I honestly wouldn't change my role as a special needs Mum but I admit, it would be nice if things calmed down a little for a day or two every now and again.

So my new resolution this year is a first. It is to be a little selfish now and again! Sounds terrible and so irresponsible doesn't it? ;)

What I mean by that is I am going to make time just every now and again for me. Whether it's to have more date nights with the boyf or just to curl up on my squishy sofa with candles and read :)

To most people, I would guess that this doesn't sound like much of a new year's resolution at all but if you spent two days shadowing me you would certainly think differently! :D

I am not going to lie to you lovely people, I am going to find taking time out tough. I am going to be sitting there thinking

"I could be reading them meeting minutes now"


"I could be making a batch of  DS's favourite meal to freeze, it will only take a few minutes...."

It's certainly going to take some practising - that I do know :/ but I am going to remind myself that the more rested and chilled I am then I can serve this wonderful boy of mine much better! :)

To make it easier, I will be taking my 'selfish time' when DS isn't here. So when he is with Daddy or Nanny or even in school. There's no rule to having selfish time around 1pm :) (I so need to come up with a new name for it though!)

Following on from the back of taking more time to myself, my second resolution is to grow at least one vegetable. I will be aiming for more but I need at least one to successfully grow!

I have a huge garden which will be ace for growing delicious veggies :)

I have attempted growing my own food before but a cheeky little DS would trample over them and pull them out before ready so I put that idea on hold.

I am going to be starting with easy stuff and as I learn then move onto other things so fingers crossed.

There's my New Year Resolutions so all is left for me to say is I wish you and your families a very happy and healthy 2016 with lots of fun and great memories :)

*Something else on being green, I have just signed up to the Slim your Bin diet :) please see the link and sign up to receive tips on how to reduce your waste :)

Amanda :) xx

Monday, 21 December 2015

Sealed Pot Challenge...

Back in 2004, I bought a house and became a new bride all in the same year.

It was the first time that I had ever moved away from the safety (and comfort!) of my parent's house.

It was a total wake-up call to how many bills we had to pay so that year I started a sealed pot.

The pot sat on top of the fridge and pretty much everyday or whenever my then husband and I would come in and chuck our loose change in the pot.

The pot was concealed so we never knew what was in there and we agreed not to open it until December as it would go towards yummy Christmas food and drink.

The pot was a huge success and I remember the night we cracked it open completely aghast to how much was in there!

Since that year, I have done a sealed pot every year :)

It is very much a tradition to me now and even with DS coming along, I now pass him my change for him to slot the coins into the pot.

I get him to count each one going in too :) You could also incorporate some money skills education with your children (where applicable of course) when doing this and I think it sets a good example to children about saving and squirrelling money away rather than our today's 'get it on credit' society :/

This year I cracked open the pot using a can open and a pair of pliers!
To be honest, I wasn't expecting much in it as this year my new year resolution was to reduce my carbon footprint so I have been catching the bus into town much more instead of hopping into my car. That just means the change I would have normally put in the pot, I have been holding onto for bus fares as I hate giving bus drivers notes and taking all their change :(
So anyway, I tipped out the change....

Just under £40 which isn't too bad, definitely more than I had estimated though I know we can do much better than that for next year :)

Who else has done the sealed pot challenge and what do you spend it on?

Wishing you all a lovely Christmas for you and your families and I hope the Christmas break goes as smoothly as possible :)

Friday, 11 December 2015

Question & Answer Session...

I have been sent a list of questions by a fellow blogger as its seems that a question and answer session is doing its rounds so I will do my best to answer.

I hope others will join in too!

Here goes......

1) Do you eat blue cheese?
      Only Stilton which I add to my Broccoli and Stilton soup. I would never eat blue cheese on its own.

2)  Have you ever smoked?

      No, never.

3)  Do you own a gun?  


4)  What flavor of Kool Aid is your favorite?

     Never even heard of it but it sounds like some chemical and additive laden rubbish!

5)  Do you get nervous before dental appointments?
No and never have.

6)  What do you think of hot dogs?

     I have probably only ever eaten 2 of them in my life!

7)  What's your favorite Christmas movie?

      Christmas with the Kranks though I was in Central Park, NY when The Elf was being filmed! :)

8)  What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
A large mug of tea.

9)  Can you do push-ups?

      I've always been rubbish at them :/

10)  What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

        I have two. One is a autism awareness bracelet which I wear all the time and the other is the most beautiful ring that my boyfriend bought me one Christmas to mark a memorable point in our relationship <3 

11)  What's your favorite hobby?

Probably not a hobby but I am constantly cleaning something!

12)  Do you have A.D.D.?

   I am always on the go but no.

13)  Do you wear glasses or contacts?

        I wear both depending on my mood that day or what I am doing.

14)  What's your middle name?


15)  What are your thoughts at this moment?

      I am thinking about the things/jobs I need to complete within the next few days and the best way to do them

16)  Name 3 drinks you regularly consume.

        Tea, water and Pepsi Max.

17)  What is a current worry of yours?

        Globally, I worry about how man has interferred with the natural resources and balance of the earth and the impact of that. I worry about what price our grand-children/great-grandchildren plus will have to pay for it.
I also worry about getting to old age and having too many regrets.

18)  What do you currently hate?

        Right now, I am far too happy and content to hate anything.

19)  Where is your favorite place to be?

        Home. I love my home and work hard to keep it nice and cosy.

20)  What do you plan on doing on New Year's Eve this year?

       We always go for a nice crisp fresh walk with DS and in the evening I will be holding a glass of wine whilst snuggled into the boyf.

21)  To where would you like to travel?

       I would like to see the Northern Lights and wander around the streets of Salzberg.

22)  Name three people you think will do this questionnaire on their

        Not sure......

23)  Do you own slippers?

        No I wear thick fluffy socks around the house :)

24)  What color shirt are you wearing?


25)  Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

        No, really dislike the feel of satin!

26)  Can you whistle?

        Sort of but I tend to shout 'hey'! to get someone's attention! :D

27)  What is your favorite colour? 
        Mustard Yellow.

28)  What songs do you sing in the shower?

      I sing all the time but strangely never in the shower.

29)  Would you be a pirate?


30)  What's in your pocket right now?

        My phone, five pence coin and a receipt 

31)  What's the last thing that made you laugh?

        My son's laugh! There is something just so infectious about his beautiful laugh that always makes me laugh too! Its just so inviting.

32)  What vehicle do you drive?

        Ford Focus

33)  What's the worst injury you've ever had?

        I broke a bone in my foot whilst on holiday. I went to the local hospital, had it x-ray and then plastered without anyone being able to speak english so I had no idea what was going on, where I was being wheeled to next and what was happening.
I then spent the rest of the holiday on crutches and my boyfriend carrying me up any steps.

34)  Do you love where you live?

        I love where I live! 

35)  Would you change your first name if you could?

        No and have never ever wanted to.

Fellow bloggers, feel free to join in! 
