Saturday, 8 October 2016

September in a Flash...!

September was a ZOOM month for me!

September always marks new beginnings for me. I think that stems back to a child with starting a new school year.

So every year when DS goes back to school, I start working on the house getting it ready for hibernation for the Winter :)

I start de-cluttering, all outgrown clothes either get listed on eBay or get bagged for the charity shop.
That includes abandoned toys too.

Then I start a mega deep clean which involves, scrubbing skirting boards, picture frames, washing curtains, cushions, pillows - everything!

In addition to all that and not quite content on how much I already had to do, I decided that the house needed a bit of a spruce up so I re-painted all walls, doors, skirting boards and door frames throughout the house.

DS's bedroom, I say bedroom though it was never his bedroom really.

When we first moved into this house two years ago, I decorated DS's bedroom in a car theme.

DS decided that he was going to sleep in the master bedroom (my room) and has done so ever since. He happily chose that bedroom as his and has slept well in it ever since.

As a result, I decided to de-child the second bedroom so I scraped the car wallpaper off, painted and wallpapered with a Autumn theme - it looks so different!

As I was at it, I ripped up all the carpets as I am exhausted cleaning the mud from them everyday and opted for hard wooden floors instead. Sooooo much easier to clean plus they look fab!

The decorating and the enormous cleaning pretty much took the whole of September up but I am glad to say that it's all finished and I am delighted at the finished result :)

September also saw my Mum and I host our first ever MacMillan Coffee Morning and it was a huge success! :)

I think most families, I've been touched my cancer and Mum and I have been talking about doing something like this for a while now.

We really enjoyed doing this, sitting, chatting with lovely friends and eating yummy cakes is one of the perfect ways to spend a morning in my book! :)

Plus we raised £102 which was way beyond both Mum and I expectations.....we were so taken back and obviously very very thrilled! :)

Another WOW was DS going to his first ever charity disco and LOVING it!
He wore his ear defenders and lasted a good hour and half before requesting to leave - I was soooo impressed! :)

I am now just catching my breath from it all and have vowed to make October a more easy going month of  catching up with friends, resting, reading, going on chilly walks, cooking and baking and doing more of what I love <3

I have got some ace ideas of some cool autumn crafts so last weekend, DS and I went on a nature walks in the woods to collect some natural materials.

I loved seeing all the pretty autumn colours :)

I will update what we make but right now, I'm off to make some mod podge ;)

Have a lovely and happy Saturday!

Love Amanda xx