I realise that I haven't posted on this blog in a long time but I am hopeful that you will forgive me as time has just whizzed by!
DD's first year just whooshed by though I remember DS's first year happened exactly the same - there seems to be nothing in a year after having a baby!
Of course now were in the middle of lockdown and have been for 6 weeks now.
I'll be the first to admit that it's hard being so cut off from loved ones and some days I really struggle with it.
Of course, I realise why we have to do it and I'm adhering to the goverment's rules but that doesn't make it any less hard and isolating.
I'm certainly kept busy with the kiddos but they are getting fed up now, I know DD is really missing her weekly classes and activities and I am too.
Several fab things have come from these strange times though and one of those happens every Friday evening :)
Friday evenings are reserved for 'Zoomin' with my bestest and oldest friends. We always have a glass of wine and are usually in our py-jamas. It's so lovely to chat away and catch up with each other - I really love it.
The weather has been glorious so far during lockdown which has made it much easier to stay home.
My DD has really enjoyed playing in the garden in the treehouse and slide. She has taken a shine to the tractor working on the farm at the back of our house which she really enjoys watching :)
Whilst she enjoys a post-lunch nap, I have been taking the opportunity to indulge in some pampering and self care love :)
I have followed YouTube tutorials on beauty treatments such as manicures, pedicure, facials and even cutting your own hair!!!! That was a nervous one to do but I didn't do a bad job :)
All in all, we've been doing okay so far and of course things like cutting my own hair is irrelevant compared to all the souls that have lost their lives to this virus.
If I have to cut my own hair for the foreesable future in order to protect lives and our wonderful NHS then I thinks that's a very small price to pay.
I hope you are all keeping well,
Much love,
Amanda xx