Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Happiness Revolution...

I am a pretty positive person anyway but I have decided to list the things that have made me happy and smile this month :)

I hope to do this at the end of every month, like a little sort of re-cap of the month.

It will be fab to just remind myself of things that made me beam or cry with laughter :) as well as to be able to look back on.

So let's forget all about negative stuff for a mo' :) here we go....

10 things that have had me smiling this month are...

1. Visiting the lovely autism friendly Thomas Centre and enjoying Lincolnshire. DS absolutely loves it there and I am starting to feel a little lovely connection to Louth :)
We have already booked to go back for our FOURTH visit! :)

2. Watching our own little firework display and seeing DS's beaming little face at all the pretty lights and colours :) Also enjoying the slow cooker Chilli Con Carne, chunks of fluffy homemade bread and 'special' baked potatoes that I made for afterwards :)

3. The very naughty Christmassy breakfast that I had with my Mum one morning after the school run. Mince pie and Toffee Latte! Mum and I promised each other that it would strictly be a one off! :D

4. DS and I catching the local bus into town on a Saturday afternoon to pick up some bits and even popped into my favourite cafe for a drink and toast. He was amazing and not to mention how brilliant he waited at the bus stop and sat on the bus beautifully for the journey home! Wow! :)

5. Learning to make pretty bath bombs and soap with my lovely new village group. I know already that I have made some life long friendships there and I so enjoy meeting up with everyone :)

6. Making the house more pretty and cosy. I even impressed myself with my DIY skills! :) My sawing was ace and precise even if I do say so myself! haha

7. Made the Christmas cake! It is only my second time at making this but last years Christmas Cake was a success so I decided to make it again this year using the same recipe.
The house smells so lovely and Christmassy that it's making me want to pour myself a glass of Mulled Wine -  like now!!

8. Not only did one of my lovely Mum friends get married this month but it was the first wedding that DS has attended. It was such a lovely and relaxed wedding which was perfect for DS.
He sat beautifully during the ceremony though he did do some of his own singing which made the newly wed couple turn around and smile at us! :) I am so proud of him! <3

9. My sofa, chair and carpets had their 6 monthly shampoo clean this week. I always love it when they have been done as they looks so new and shiny :)

10. Ditching sugar & artificial sweetener!!
I have always had sugar or sweetener in my tea. This month, I decided to retrain my taste buds and get use to unsweetened food and drinks. I am a few weeks into this change and find it more than okay.
As a result, I have decided to do a bit of a diet overhaul and have also cut out chocolate to just one night a week, I am drinking alot more water and am barely drinking wine and prosecco.

I definitely feel better for it and as a super bonus I have lost just under half a stone in weight in just a fortnight!

So there we have November's happy highlights :)
Feel free to join in too

Keep warm!

Love Amanda

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